The Redline UHF TV Whitespace (TVWS) system is quite a bit different than most fixed wireless systems you might be used to using. The system HAS to have a working GPS on all units. The PMP SC (Base station) can be identified by it's beige color while the PMP SS (CPE) are silver. The SC GPS antenna has a TNC-TNC connection between the SC and the sector antenna (Cable not included).
Getting started
When you receive your hardware we will send you an Option Key and token for each radio. These have to be added to the hardware before it will transmit. Unfortunately, the radios quite often have old firmware on them which does not allow you to change the URL for the TVWS database. In order to upgrade the firmware you will need either a FTP or TFTP server. I recommend you add TFTP-64 as it is one of the best and easiest to use servers available for free.
Pro tip: Turn off your Windows Firewall before upgrading any hardware
You will want to download the latest firmware currently 3.9.7 and upgrade all of the hardware, the zip file is attached to this article.
To log into the radio, use the IP address of with the username admin password admin
I have noticed that all of the units come in SS mode. Make sure you switch the beige unit to SC and reboot before beginning this process!
Now that your hardware is up to the latest firmware release, you must fill out the WSDB (white space database) information. The database is very picky on the format of the information, so you must use all capitol characters for the 2-digit state and 2-digit country as well as your phone number in this format: +15555555555. See the image below:
This information, including the height of the equipment must be included on all units.
The IP address, subnet, gateway and DNS must allow the units to reach the internet or nothing will transmit. The SS will connect to the SC and communicate via the wireless interface.
Pro tip: Make sure you have an annual subscription paid to the TVWS database Nominet
Once the SC communicates to the WSDB it will list all of the channels you are allowed to transmit on. Be sure you select as many 6MHz channels you want and that are available and contiguous.
Select one and the SC will start to transmit.
Before you deploy a SS, you must provision the unit in the SC.
You will put in the MAC address located on the General Information tab under the New Subscriber Link tab. You can set the MIR (labeled PIR) for the speed in kbps you wish to give to the customer or location. I recommend setting the Operating mode to MIMO A/B for the best operation.
The subscribers do not have a GPS. Enter in the coordinates for the location manually or the CPE will not come online.
Training video:
TVWS Information:
Congratulations! You are ready to deploy your first TVWS system!
For additional information, contact us at